15 First Relationship Advices to Know Before You Start

15 Best Advice for Your First Relationship

When a person starts a new relationship, they need to be prepared for some of the inevitable bumps that come along the way. It is common for people to want to know what they should do in their first relationship.

So, young and in love for the first time? Looking for some valuable advice for your first relationship? Then, I bet this article is for you.

Everyone has an opinion on what makes a first relationship successful. There is no definite answer to this. Some advices work for one and some for others.

First relationships are always fun, challenging and give you butterflies in your stomach. But there are certain things you should know before entering into your first relationship. Things, if you know, will make your relationship journey go easier and smoother.

The best advice that I can give you for your first relationship is to enjoy and keep your expectations low. However, as you get closer to each other, there are things that predominate your relationship. You are a young soul, if your relationship faces a few challenges, how will you deal with them?

In this blog post, I will share 15 advices that will prove beneficial to you to enjoy the phase.

Being in love is an amazing feeling, but you can pull it into a successful relationship with a little knowledge.

My first relationship lasted for 1 and a half years, and it was a good one, though with a lot of mistakes. I wish I had anyone who could have guided me with the first relationship pieces of advice.

Following the relationship advices below will give you a fair idea about what to expect from your first relationship ever and how to enjoy this beautiful phase of life.

15 Advice for your first relationship that you should know

Your Relationship can’t be the Centre of the Universe

You are in love, and it is your first relationship ever; obviously, you will be excited and thrill to start being in a relationship to experience the lovely feeling.

Often couples in their first relationship can’t let go of each other. They stick together like glue. They make their relationship their small world, and all their focus surrounds their relationship.

This is one of the first relationship advices that I would like to give to all the young couples who are in love and desperately looking forward to starting their new relationship.

Be welcoming to each other and embrace each other’s feelings but do not make the mistake of giving all your attention only to the relationship.

happy relationship

Your Relationship isn’t a Fairy-tale

Every relationship feels like a fairy tale, and when it is the first relationship, it is always special.

Usually, we experience the first relationship in high school, and this is the time when you are young, and your hormones are making you all dizzy, and you fantasize something extraordinary about ‘being in love.’

But before you start your relationship, you need to know that maintaining a relationship is hard, and it isn’t a fairy tale. It’s not always exactly what we expect them to be.

You need to know how to deal with the realities of the relationship. There are many things that you need to know before you get into a relationship with someone.

There will be a struggle, fighting, arguments, differences, and tough times to deal with. Like romantic films, your relationship won’t be surrounded by fantasy, and you won’t always be a lovey-dovey couple.

We all experience the highs and lows of life, and it is important to figure out how you deal with them together to be in a relationship for the long haul.

So, stop living in that myth and dream.


Respect is Key

Among the many advices for a successful first relationship, ‘respect’ is one thing that you need to understand. It’s amazing when you are a teen and fall in love, but you have to understand that respecting each other in a relationship is crucial.

Before you and your partner commit to a relationship, clarify and look at how respectful you both are towards each other and your relationship.

Respect is one of the key elements that build trust in a relationship and helps to define your relationship further. It is the key to a healthy and happy relationship.

It’s important to be respectful of your partner’s thoughts and feelings. It should be mutual and not one-sided. Treat your partner well and understand each other on even grounds.

First Relationship advices

Be Prepared for Heartbreaks

There will be countless heartbreaks and crying when in a relationship. Every day won’t be a romantic day. There will be arguments and differences in opinion; basically, you will have to deal with several unexpected things which may lead to heartbreaks.

You may end up breaking up and losing yourself for time being. But worry not, if you both love each other a lot and want to revive your relationship you can even renew your relationship after breakup. But, one thing is definite that heartbreaks are inevitable.

So, if you are in a perception that being in love for the first time is like a fairy tale and dreamworld, you are terribly wrong.

Indeed being in love is the most romantic feeling in the world, but you got to be prepared mentally for heartbreaks.

first relationship advice - heartbreaks

Be You & be Happy

It’s important to be ‘you & be happy’ to keep your relationship happier.

You can’t make everyone happy, neither can you fulfill every expectation. Before you commit to a relationship, you must keep in mind that you don’t belong to anyone, and you aren’t here to fulfill every expectation of your partner.

Be true to yourself, be true to your values, and do what makes you happy.

I have made this mistake in my first relationship, and I don’t want you to make the same.

If you realize that your girlfriend or boyfriend is putting decisions on you, making you choosing between your friends, or making you feel less priority about yourself, as an individual, you have the right to object and clarify your partner’s place in your life.

Often young couples fail to distinguish, and they tend to get unhappy in their relationship slowly by losing themselves.

be happy

Honesty will Hold Your Relationship strong

My next first relationship advices that you should know before starting your relationship will be to be ‘honest’ to each other.

It is the first step towards a healthy and happy relationship. Be honest with yourself and your partner. Being truthful about your expectations, needs, feelings, and desires, it will help you create an open environment in your relationship.

In a world that is full of lies and uncertainty, honesty is the only way to have a healthy relationship. Refrain yourself from lying or withholding facts from your partner because this will lead to mistrust in the relationship.

Often young couples can’t manage to be in a relationship for a very long time.

Either they lost interest in their partner or relationship or breached their partner’s trust by cheating.

If you want to commit in a relationship, you would first need to access your partner’s pattern.

You can do that by establishing friendship first, give each other enough time to understand and then slowly take your friendship to the next step.

 happy couples

You Can Say ‘No’

It doesn’t matter if it is your first relationship or be it any relationship; you can always say ‘no’ to things you aren’t liking.

You can say ‘no’ to physical intimacy; you can say ‘no’ to anything you don’t wish for. Doing things to please your partner is not necessary.

Be true to yourself and your choices. You don’t belong to your partner; you can have your preferences.

image of no

Don’t Burden Yourself of being in a Relationship

To establish a new relationship, you would need the love, care, support, attention, patience, and determination of two-person.

You are in love, and you want to commit fully to your new relationship; before starting that one thing, you must keep in mind ‘you alone don’t have to do everything for your relationship.’

Do not let yourself submerge in your relationship. Let your partner take the responsibility of maintaining a balance in your relationship.

Always remember that you are a free soul, and you are not bounded to your relationship if you aren’t happy.


 Keep No Expectations

Since it is your first relationship, it would be better if you don’t keep any expectations or keep limited expectations.

Though it is natural to expect something from your partner when you are in a relationship, being young and in love is always crazy.

Young couples often overthink and react too fast. They think love is everything and their relationship is their world. If something a miss in their relationship, they can’t deal with it.

My advice would be to keep your expectations to the least of priorities. It is your first relationship ever; why not to just enjoy it without overthinking.

For example, there will be times when you are expecting that your boyfriend will arrange a birthday party for you, but he forgot. What worst can happen out of this situation? You will be hurt, right?

Isn’t it would be better if you don’t expect it at all?

It’s okay if he forgets.

Keeping a positive attitude would save your relationship from getting affected.

girl in love

Strengthen Your Friendship First

It is always great if your relationship starts with friendship. Friendship helps strengthen the relationship and make it last for a long time.

For example, My husband and I met through our mutual friends, we were a complete stranger to each other, but gradually we became friends and then best friends.

From best friends, we became a couple and now a proud parent of a 1-month old baby boy.

You see, it’s always better when you start your relationship being a good friend first. It allows each other to understand better, strengthen the bond with mutual respect and care.  

I have known several couples in my life who are great friends for more than 10-15 years before tying a knot. It’s wise to invest time into building a strong friendship before diving into anything romantic.

first relationship advices

No Rush

It’s just your first relationship, and you are free to date and experience. You don’t have to rush and think of your future right now.

There is plenty of time, and you should enjoy your first relationship ever with your partner.

The moment you will rush into your relationship without giving it enough time to understand each other, it won’t be long when your relationship fails to sustain.

Take your time with yourself, understand your partner, and see what you both expect.

If everything sounds good and the most important thing if you both love each other and want to be in a relationship, then only consider.

no rush in relationship

Give Space to Each other

This is one of the best ‘first relationship advices’ ever that every new couple or newlywed couple should consider.

Giving space to each other is an important part of a relationship. Often new couples feel so overwhelmed being in love that they hardly give each other space.

They want to stick together 24/7 though at first, this feels nice and romantic, gradually it turns into a nightmare and bridges despite being together.

I have experienced this during my first relationship at college. My partner and I were so much into each other that we hardly gave each other space.

All-day, we used to be together during college hours and then over the phone.

Over time this gave rise to over possessiveness and jealousy, which leads to negativity in the relationship.

So, give enough space to each other. It’s okay not to be in touch for a couple of hours. You can hang out with your friends and family without bothering each other.

couple holding hand

Enjoy Being in a Relationship

The first relationship is always exciting, and it gives you a lot of happy memories. You will make a lot of mistakes, and it may be your short-lived relationship ever.

Instead of worrying about all the outer aspects of the relationship, start enjoying the phase. Relationships are the foundation of every society. They make people happy and they make people feel whole.

There are so many things about the ‘first relationship’ that make it special, like the first date, first kiss, first proposal, the extraordinary feeling of being in love, etc. Start enjoying with your partner doing small things together like a walk by the lane, cooking, reading, gardening, etc.

Once you take the leap of faith and enjoy the idea of being in a relationship, it will make easier for you and your significant other to sustain the relationship longer.

happy couple


Before committing to a relationship, a date frequently gets to know each other well, know each other’s likes and dislikes, talk about random things and opinions.

The more you date initially, the better and easier it will be for you to evaluate what you want from your relationship.

date night

Clarify Your Needs

You must talk and clarify your needs and expectations to each other before starting a relationship.

See if you both are compatible with each other and understand each other.


Love is a beautiful feeling, but a relationship is hard to maintain. It requires patience, honesty, determination, love alone can’t maintain a healthy relationship.

When it’s your first relationship, you don’t have to think about all the relationship parameters. Just be honest and truthful to yourself and enjoy being in love.

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